

Oct 16, 2024

Portable toilet business approved in Wayne Township | Local News |


A portable toilet business and warehouse have been approved in Wayne Township.

Township supervisors granted a conditional use request on July 11 to William Schaffer to operate his business and build a warehouse on approximately seven acres of land on Bridge Street.

The findings of fact of the conditional use hearing were recently published by township Solicitor Ryan Long.

During the hearing, Schaffer’s mother, Brenda Thompson, testified on his behalf.

Brenda Thompson, Schaffer’s other, testified during a conditional use hearing that he tends to build a garage/warehouse with office spaces for his portable toilet business.

The building be used to store vehicles and the toilets as well as an area to clean them.

She said there would be no smell or odor, some cleaning of toilets outside and outside storage of vehicles and toilets. Schaffer will plant trees and shrubs to block the toilets and he would build a single-family residence on property adjacent to the business.

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The findings of fact state a “significant” number of individuals attended to oppose the request.

Cornell Jerome, Pat Shuler, Bob Cunningham, Kathy Schuster, Steve Schuster, Patty D’Ambrosia, Bobby Cearfoss, Carrie Coulter, Lil Gardner, Bill Hiler, Jeff Harting, Lenore Bazzichi and Bridget Berringer spoke at the meeting.

The cited depreciating home values, odors, increased traffic and a negative impact on neighborhood aesthetics.

The supervisors and Long said aesthetics are not a basis to deny a conditional use application and that there was no evidence of smells, decreasing property values or negative impacts on residents.

They said while the request falls under a conditional use request for the rural development district, Schaffer will need to comply with the standards and criteria outlined in the zoning ordinance.

Conditions were imposed on where storage items could be placed, the need for shielded views with trees and shrubs and restrictions on noise.

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