

Sep 23, 2023

Temporary grandstand seating seen as potential template for Olmsted County Fair's future

ROCHESTER — Plans for temporary seating of Olmsted County Fair grandstand shows could provide insight for future renovations at Graham Park.

"It could be a really good template for a future grandstand and how it will fit into the fairgrounds and still allow for plenty of extra space," Fair Board President Scott Schneider said.

While an exact layout remains to be finalized, Schneider said plans call for placing the 2,000 temporary seats south of the current grandstand, which has been declared as unsafe for use without improvements.

He said moving things to the south is expected to provide more green space for park area, which has been identified as a goal in the county's Graham Park master plan.

The future of the existing grandstand remains uncertain.


County Administrator Heidi Welsch has said county commissioners are planning to address the potential to repair or replace the grandstand during a June 23 retreat, but the looming fair meant fasted action was required.

While commissioners on the county board's administrative committee unanimously approved $60,000 to support the temporary seating Tuesday morning, some wiggle room exists.

The commissioners set a $85,000 cap on expenses, but pointed out anything more than $60,000 will face additional review,

"I think they got the message that the board is fairly solid on the $60,000," Deputy County Administrator Pete Giesen said of discussions with the fair board.

Schneider said the expectation might be a challenge, since the adjustment will require more than seats. Added lighting will be needed, along with portable toilets to replace those found in the grandstand.

Additional concrete barriers will also be needed for the demolition derby and autocross to protect crowds that will be closer to the ground.

"There are more costs than meets the eye," he said, pointing out prices are also higher due to the lack of available equipment this late into festival season.

He said the estimated top cost for the temporary seating and related expenses sits at $82,000.


"It doesn't mean we can't get close to that $60,000," he said, pointing out the fair board volunteers are looking at what can be cut and still maintain a positive experience for fairgoers.

The board will retain all receipts for the related expenses and turn them into the county.

Schneider said he hopes commissioners will be understanding if the costs exceed $60,000, citing a good working relationship with county staff and elected officials.

"We are going to try to keep it as low as we can," he said.

What happened: The Olmsted County Board of Commissioners' administrative committee approved spending $60,000 to support temporary seating for the Olmsted County Fair.

Why does this matter: The Graham Park grandstand has been declared unsafe for use this year, so temporary seating is needed accommodate the fair's grandstand shows.

What's next: The fair board is working on final plans for the seating and will start reserving needed equipment.